Hey W&M,
The Contemporary and Cultural Issues Committee (aka "Contempo Cult") spent the summer hard at work, trying to find the BEST possible "Big Speaker" for this semester.
Some of you might have taken our poll last spring, which we sent out trying to get a feel for what type of speaker you all are interested in. There was a pretty strong leaning towards bringing someone connected to "pop culture/entertainment" in particular, so we kept that in mind during our search. (Don't worry, though... that doesn't mean the other topics like journalism, sports, multicultural and/or gender issues are going to be left out-- we're keeping all these things in mind as we plan the other events, both for this semester, and for the spring!)
We looked for inspiration from all sorts of sources- newspapers, blogs, magazines... summer blockbusters that were "striking gold" at the box office and hot summer "reads" that were flying off the shelves at the bookstores. If people were talking about it, we tried to be on top of it, and see if there was any way we could bring this person/trend/issue to campus.
We also got quite a few emails from students and campus groups which gave us some great ideas. We always LOVE getting these, and take each and every one into consideration. If only we could bring about 50 speakers to campus each semester, instead of just 3-4-- because we receive SO MANY great ideas, and each and every one would make for a really interesting/fun/thought-provoking event that we'd love to be able to share with the student body...
Some of you might have heard rumblings about a certain quirky tv "Science Guy" - and that's something we tried
really hard to make happen. Unfortunately some budgetary and scheduling issues meant it wasn't feasible to bring that particular event to campus. But... FEAR NOT dear Tribe, for Contempo Cult still has plenty of tricks up its sleeve! We have looked into a lot of great options, and are in the process of firming up an event that we're really excited about-- and you guys will be the first to know as soon as it's set in stone!
In the meantime- keep an eye out for publicity for our other exciting events this semester... and always feel free to send us your ideas. We'll be planning for the spring before you know it, and would love to hear what it is that
you are excited to see!
Here's looking at you, kids...
-The Contempo Cult Committee