Cause ain't nowhere in the 'Burg I'd rather be,
ain't no-one in the 'Burg I'd rather see
then the Interns of my dreams that will make me
Be so happy and not so lonely.
For the past few weeks, well months actually, I have been shamelessly plugging away to get applicants for the fall Intern's Committee. I have made myself that girl. The girl that has confronted you at the Activities Fair, obnoxiously put flyers all over your freshman dorm and has made an effort to connect AMP to almost every conversation topic imaginable.
I'm not sorry for my actions.
In fact, I plan on doubling my efforts in the next few days. Get ready. I am down to the home stretch and I want to give everyone the opportunity to apply to be an Intern. I would hate to be confronted in a few weeks by someone who did not know that the Intern's program existed. Although, at this point, I am not quite sure that I would believe them.
There are about a million different reasons why I am so excited to have Interns and only a few dozen of them have to do with ending my Akon-like loneliness. To be honest, I just can't wait to have something to actually talk about in Executive meetings. As we gather around the table and Chairs begin to talk about their upcoming events and how great their committees are, I try not to feel bitter. I will have a committee soon enough and I may be able to answer the following Update Questions better than I currently do:
-What have you done during your first office hours? Any questions?
Questions, no. What did I do? Oh, I checked the email, the voicemail, sat alone and ate a bagel.
-What has been your favorite AMP moment during the past 2 weeeks?
Another Committee's event.
-Are all of your members showing up to things/ contributing?
I don't have any members yet. Thanks for rubbing salt in the wound.
-Anything coming up you need help with?
Lone wolf. I'll be fine.
How I would like to answer these questions:
-What have you done during your first office hours? Any questions?
Question, how did I get so lucky in having such amazing Interns? What did I do during office hours? Oh, I checked the email, the voicemail, sat with some Interns and we ate bagels.
-What has been your favorite AMP moment during the past 2 weeeks?
-Are all of your members showing up to things/ contributing?
Oh course, this may be the greatest committee ever assembled.
-Anything coming up you need help with?
(In keeping with a wolf theme). The Intern pack has it covered, but thanks for asking.
As you can tell, I am so excited to get Interns. Probably too excited, but I think it is understandable after all this time of preparation. So in closing... An additional plug: