With W&M Girl Talk tickets going on sale today (get yours
here!), I figured I would take a moment to fill everyone in on the process of getting Greg Gillis to campus, how we selected a venue, and why we chose to have a campus-exclusive pre-sale.
AMP has been getting repeated requests for Girl Talk for over a year now. In addition to word-of-mouth recommendations, we also collected requests for him to come play here on our new effort at increased transparency, the
Facebook feedback forum. Whenever the campus seems relatively united in its hope to bring a certain act, we do everything in our power to get them here. In the case of Girl Talk, we tried several offers in the fall, but could not make our schedules work. Sometime in mid November, we essentially gave him 20ish dates we had available for the Spring and tried to make one of them work. It took nearly two months of negotiating, but we able to get him to confirm.
There has been some controversy over our choice of the Chesapeake Ballroom as the venue for this show. The short answer is that it is the biggest venue we can possibly get during the winter, and February 27th is the only date Girl Talk could play at W&M. W&M Hall is booked for sporting events. Matoaka and the Sunken Gardens are closed for the season, not to mention that it is likely to be quite cold near midnight in February outside. Trinkle Hall has roughly the same capacity (its slightly smaller), and significantly worse acoustics. PBK Hall has seats (which aren't a good thing at a Girl Talk show), and a smaller capacity. So Chesapeake it is!
In light of the fact that we will probably sell-out, and the intense demand on campus for Girl Talk tickets, AMP has decided that there will be a one-week W&M-exclusive pre-sale. Starting today, anyone with a valid W&M ID can buy one Girl Talk ticket. We set the cap at one so that W&M students do not buy their friends from off-campus several tickets. We will be checking for W&M IDs at the door, so do not buy a student ticket if you are not a member of the W&M community! AMP is here to serve you, W&M, so we're going out of our way to make sure you have a fair opportunity to buy tickets to the mostly hotly anticipated Williamsburg concert in years.
Get your tickets early! I hope this has been a helpful behind-the-scenes look at how AMP makes decisions!
-sean o'mealia and the amp music productions committee