Inside AMP

Monday, February 9, 2009

Give Them Something to Talk About...

Hey everyone,

Right now the Contemporary and Cultural issues Committee is still looking for a great speaker to fill our spring line-up! We had some ideas, but unfortunately things fell through. It's alright, this happens all the time, but we still want to bring someone fantastic to come and speak to the campus. Last semester we had big names - both Gideon Yago and Anthony Rapp came to speak. And we're pushing for one more for this semester.

So the committee has our hands full - we're looking at big agencies, small agencies, and pretty much all the personal connections that we know (6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, anyone.....) to make sure that we find the best speaker that we can. Keep looking out for news and updates about the process! But let me ask you --

Who do you want to see at the podium? Who do you want to see speak to the college? If you have any ideas or input, let us know!

Your determined Contempo-Cult Chair,


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