Inside AMP

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

If you've ever wondered about PUBLICITY!

We know we're a pretty elusive group, but that actually just isn't true!

How many times have you been innocently sitting on the Terrace, by the Sundial, or in the Dining Halls when suddenly you find yourself in the company of a large squirrel? We certainly hope its a few! ScAMP, AMP's giant squirrel, is just part of AMPub's approach to publicity. We want to be active and entertaining without ever harming your peace. It's called Guerrilla publicity, and it basically encompasses just what the name says. We hope to find you soon and formally introduce ourselves.

AMPub has also been hard at work creating many funny, ridiculous commercials for your Facebook viewing pleasure. Perhaps you've seen our mock of "Where the Hell is Matt?", "The AMPover", our interpretation of the TV show "30 Rock", or "AMP Saints." YOU HAVEN'T? Well you should get caught up immediately. See this page of our Facebook Fan page for some quality procrastination. You won't be disappointed.

Keep a close watch for our newest commercial! It's Willy Wonka themed...a.k.a. probably one of the most epic things you'll ever witness.

Hey, while we're chatting - have you seen THE JOHN? It's our newest publicity adventure in the SC bathrooms. AMPub figured that Swem didn't have any copyright infringement laws governing THE THRONE; why not give it a try? So far, it's been a lot of fun. We kind of consider ourselves a bit off-color why not write a bathroom periodical?

You can get a closer look at publicity in action at our outreach event in April. Find us and Internal Affairs out in the Sunken Garden on April 11 to learn more about AMP, make AMP themed t-shirts, and win goldfish!

AMPub: making ScAMP your best friend since 1993.


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