Inside AMP

Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh golly... it's AMPril!

William and Mary programming tip #1: Never assume that anything will ever be dead in April. It's true... in programming circles, April is referred to as the most over-programmed month of the year, which is pretty apparent if you look at any given weekend this month. And then add to that, all of the prospective and admitted students gracing our campus plus all the tourists who have ventured out of hibernation, and you have a pretty hoppin' town. Regardless, April can be fun!

In AMP, not only is April a crazy month for programming, it's also just a crazy month to be an AMP member. Due to the way we recruit, budget, and plan-- we basically have 2 AMPs working at once. No joke. So therefore, most underclassmen involved in the organization are both working the events they planned and budgeted for last semester and they are budgeting for and planning events for next semester. We all are basically two people at once at this point. For example, each of the Interns is a committee member on another committee as well be it Music, Contempo-Cult, Internal Affairs, Comedy, etc. etc.... However, for the most part, we are all thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to work with our old committees while branching out and learning the ropes on new commitees. Regardless, when you come upon weeks like this, sometimes April can feel more like AMPril--that becomes apparent when you see more blue shirts in one day than you can count on your fingers and toes. But AMPril isn't a bad thing... in fact, once May comes along-- we'll be missing our time with AMP.

Enjoy AMPril and we can't wait to see you at all the AMP events this weekend!

The Interns


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